Confinement, seen through the eyes of the Mundaka Family. 25/03/2020
Tough times for riders! The struggle is real for these lovers of the great outdoors, forced to see the spring weather roll in while on lockdown.
We understand and respect the importance of social distancing and staying at home, much alike Antonin de Soultrait, urging surfers to vacate the Guethary line-up..
Mundaka riders have chosen to make the best of the situation:
Bruno (La Deuge) Degert is here to remind you to take the situation with a touch of humor

Xavier Leroy, teaching you how to make your own face mask:
Clément Roseyro, back from a surf trip in the Canary Islands, a hard drive filled with memories:
Manu Fombeurre giving us an Argentinian point of view:
Pierre Fourcade longingly staring at this season's best waves:/p>
Rémi Blanc is isolating in style, out in New-Zealand:
Nathan Curren, getting holed-up:
One last session for Mathilde Monbrisson before the official confinement:
Antonin de Soultrait training in a safe space, preparing upcoming big-wave sessions:

All of the Mundaka Family would like to thank the people who are still out, working daily to keep people safe, families fed, countries afloat. Take care.